Give me a break. He is in a beautiful remote country home with a sultry seductress. He just spent part of his advance from the publisher to stock the bar. The woman knows he has a bunch of cash and is willing to offer her services. He is wondering why he can't be creative at the typewriter? That is the type of writers block that made me decide, when very young, that I wanted to be a writer - for Playboy.
Now here it comes decades later. Real writers block. It is, for that novelist, the inability to come up with an idea or even to find the right words, I guess. For most of us it is a short lived, yet chronic, annoyance that has several causes and symptoms.
- I hate this topic - That is either boredom or a challenge that is quite difficult or geared to the other sex. The solution is to not take the work if you do not like the topic. Unless of course it is a challenge that motivates you. If not, your writing will probably show your disdain. You owe your clients your best work and nothing less.
- I am sick of this topic - You are very good at writing under that umbrella and that is why people keep giving you more. It may no longer seem like a challenge but you are at least appreciated.
- Monday sucks compared to the weekend - There are two solutions here. Work all weekend while everyone else is having fun, then drink alone on Monday; or realize that although you make your own hours, some of them are still going to be Monday.
- I just can't get started - This is called the inertia block. It happens to people on exercise programs too. Once you overcome the tendency to remain at mental rest or in weekend mode, you will begin to get into it. When you are finished you will feel good because your mind has had a workout.
- Blockhead block - This is when you get out of bed and everything and everyone annoys you. You are pissed off at your editor, clients, your spouse, your letter carrier and Matt Lauer and you want to go into the kitchen and cook all day, watch daytime TV or go fishing. The last thing you want to do is write about how to repair grease filters or craft a web page for a pet groomer. If today is the deadline, deal with it and take off tomorrow. If you have plenty of time, blow off the day and enjoy yourself. You are burning out and you need a break. If not you may die and go to rewrite hell where nothing you submit will be acceptable for eternity.
As a writer of many topics, that provide for me varying degrees of interest and satisfaction, I do experience various forms of writers block from time to time. My wife never comes to me with a scotch neat and reassuring words at mid morning. I rely on something that I have, and all other writers need if they want to survive. It is called discipline. Discipline is the the boss you hated that always showed up for work no matter how bad the weather was. It is the teacher that made you write Massachusetts one hundred times on the blackboard until you could never spell it incorrectly again. As much as you resented them, you always show up at your desk on time and get the job done and never let a misspelling slide by.
Gary ~
ReplyDeleteNot only is it MONDAY but also posted at 7:16AM !
I would say that's pretty darn good ! I love reading your stories and appreciate that you remind us when you write something new! You have a wonderful imagination and expressive view....
What a guy (TOL)! Dawn Marie